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Welcome to AY Lounge


Their interior has been designed in a way that is reminiscent of the early European era giving a feeling of indulgence within an antique castle.

They have taken necessary steps to ensure that you are seated in the most elegant furniture available that matches their unique interior.  We don't think you will come across such a place within Seoul or anywhere else in Korea. It reminds us of a stylish Oxford library.

AY Lounge is new on the scene and is Gangnam's most stylish lounge.  They pride themselves on service and enabling you to have a great time.  The atmospherer is luxurious and backed up with great music.  They serve Cocktails, Vodka, Champagne, Whiskey, Beer, along with non-alcoholic drinks and delicious food.

Come as lovers, friends, groups and to celebrate that special occasion.  AY Lounge also have a second level with private rooms for that special occasion in a more private area.

The Manager Shane will welcome you with open arms and make sure that you are comfortable.

AY Lounge is definitely worth a visit while in Gangnam and it's a great place to start out your evening

Peolple are well dressed and in their late 20's to 40's. Great place to meet new people at the main bar!




초기유럽황실을 모티브로하였으며 300평대 초대형 복층 인테리어와 고풍스럽고 몽환적인 디자인, 엔틱하고 세련된 소품들로

장식하여 국내 어디에도 없는 최상의 분위기를 느낄수 있는 곳입니다


다이닝, 젊음, 문화, 음악, 프렌들리, 사교, 각종 파티를 위한 감성적이고 즐거움이 있고 

고객의 라이프 스타일과 취향에 따라 다양하게 이용하실 수 있는 컨템퍼러리 라운지바입니다


많은 방송, 드라마, 영화 촬영지로 각광 받는 촬영지 에이와이라운지










AY Lounge bar

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